
Without Exception All Repug Prez Candidates Seem to Hate Teachers: Wonder Why?

The Hall of Famer said while he nearly always votes for the Democratic candidate, if he had to cast his vote now it would go to Ohio Gov. John Kasich. The political equivalent of the seven-story water slide they’re building out at Kings Island. Nichols also said that Kasich does not want to weigh in on the Employment Non Discrimination Act, a federal bill that would protect people from discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity nationwide. The only positive thing I could ever say about McConnell is that at least he’s not John Kasich.


Ohio’s 380 charter schools get about $1 billion a year from the state, but they were the butt of jokes at a national conference in Denver earlier this year, with speakers criticizing poor academic results and frequent scandals.

Democrats called the event the “dark money summit”, a nod to the millions of dollars the Koch brothers give to Americans for Prosperity and other groups that do not have to publicly disclose donors. Members of the pro-life group Faith2Action chose to protest outside the Fox News presidential debate in Cleveland over Kasich’s opposition to the state’s “heatbeat” bill – a bill opposed by many in the pro-life movement on tactical and prudential grounds.

“I usually vote Democratic but I’m thinking about John Kasich“, Barkley said in the interview about his potential support of the current Ohio Governor.

Most of us did not have such an interesting week.

Governor Kasich issued an executive order protecting stateemployees from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, but he neglected to include protections for state employees based on gender identity.

Kasich does seem to want to eliminate something though, since not eliminating anything puts him far out of line with his peers, most of whom suggest that the primary target for elimination actually be the Department of Education itself. His margins weren’t as high as Christie’s support, but Ohioans haven’t soured on their Republican governor running for president.

“We plan on competing everywhere, in every part of the country, ” Nichols told WVXU.

Colleges, he said, also should help students understand the financial implications of their degree programs, disclosing the types of jobs that are available and the salary ranges for those positions before they take out big loans.

Nichols down-played the reaction.

“I think that really hurt us”, Borges said. Still, there’s a simple explanation for all this paranoia among teachers, Kasich explained.

The Quinnipiac Poll showed that Kasich is the favorite of Ohio Republicans for the nomination, not surprisingly.

In Pennsylvania, Trump leads among Republicans with 24 percent, followed by 13 percent for Carson and 10 percent for Rubio.


But he is near the bottom of the pack in Florida and Pennsylvania.

Ohio Governor John Kasich gives his speech announcing his 2016 Presidential candidacy at the Ohio Student Union at The Ohio State University