
Woman becomes Australia’s oldest mother aged 63 … and her husband is 78

Anyone thought ahead to its teens?


However, Gannon stood by his comments made on Twitter that the woman was “selfish” and “wrong”.

“This is a rights issue”.

“As a community, we need to consider the rights of the child, the rights of society, the responsibilities of proper parenting, the health of the parents, the health risks to the child at birth and beyond, and the costs to the health system and the taxpayers that fund it”. “Madness. Not created to have kids in 60s”, he said.

A 62-year-old Tasmanian woman who successfully underwent IVF overseas before giving birth in Australia has raised a range of ethical and legal issues over her actions.

Australia’s oldest first-time-mum has been slammed by medical professionals who say the 62-year-old’s use of IVF went against what the treatment was meant for. Authorities said there were no casualties in the blaze that broke out Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of some 4,000 people at the festival site in eastern Portugal.

Professor Gab Kovacs, an IVF expert, said only very fit women with healthy hearts would be considered suitable candidates for IVF in their early 50s.

Professor Kovacs also said the end of natural pregnancy for a woman is 53 – and to help anyone older than that have a baby naturally was “irresponsible ” The Daily Telegraph reported.

“She might have had high blood pressure, which is much more common at a later age”.

It is reported the previous Australian record was held by a 60-year-old woman who gave birth in 2010.

“We know that as women get older they run the risk of increasing complications in pregnancy, even in the 40s age group”, he said. Because of the advanced age of the new mother, he is anxious about her parental ability as well as that of her 78-year-old partner who would be 99 when their daughter turns 21.


In the same year, women aged 45 or over amounted to just 0.2 per cent of those who gave birth. These included whether the child would receive the ongoing emotional and financial support from older parents that younger parents might be more able to provide a child throughout its life, he said.

There is no legal barrier to prevent older women undergoing IVF treatment in Australia although many providers will not treat anyone over 50 due to the risks involved