
Woman dies after tripping, falling backward into Grand Canyon

A woman has plunged to her death at the Grand Canyon after sharing a final picture of her enjoying the view moments before she fell. “That sounds simple and trite but I mean it on so many levels, personality, looks, style, what she did with her life – I envied her. I was inspired by her. I am better for having known her”, one user wrote.


Burn’s friend, Meghan Patricia, told The Orlando Sentinel that she first met Burns in elementary school in Pennsylvania and they have remained close since then.

“She moving to make room for another hiker”, mentioned Jessica Roman, a friend of the deceased who witnessed the scene, reported by WESH. The body of Colleen Burns was discovered by rangers around 400 feet below where she had been hiking.

Colleagues at the reviews app Yelp where Ms Burns worked as a marketing director also paid tribute.

She told United States radio station WESH the group had just taken a photo at the famously exposed spot and were making room for other sight-seers.

“As for her dreams she was walking, living and breathing them”, she said of Burns.

Nobody knew at the time that the above photo would be the last photo of her alive. Her passing represents a tremendous loss to our company, the communities she supported and the many friends she made while doing what she loved.

The National Park Service and the Coconino County Medical Examiner are still investigating the incident.

“We are heartbroken but thankful to have been positively shaped by her passion and joy for life”, the company said. He posted a photograph of the two to his Instagram account, remarking on Ms. Burns’ “unmatched enthusiasm for life; the fire in her eyes and that insane infectious smile”.


“Colleen was destined to be a star among us”, Kaskade’s website said.

Woman falls to death at Grand Canyon