
Woman fatally shot during police academy drill

A police “shoot/ don’t shoot” demonstration went awry when a Florida officer shot and killed a 73-year-old former librarian with what police said was real ammunition used by mistake at an event created to bring law enforcement and the public together. As noted by the City’s website, the academy “is a free, eight session course of interactive classes created to provide insight into City government and to develop future leaders through well informed and civically engaged residents”.


In a press conference video obtained by The Washington Post, Punta Gorda Police Chief Tom Lewis said “two participants were randomly selected to be put through a “shoot-don’t shoot” scenario, in which they would make decisions on using simulated lethal force in a live role play”. “I am asking that if you pray, you pray for Mary’s husband and family, and for all the officers and witnesses that involved this incident. Everyone involved is in a state of overwhelming shock and grief”. The involved officer has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is heading the investigation.

Punta Gorda Police Chief Tom Lewis said the woman was “mistakenly struck with a live round” during a Citizens Academy scenario created to simulate the use of lethal force.

It was a negligent death, something that could have easily been avoided.

As fate would have it, Knowlton was struck by a Punta Gorda police officer playing the role of ‘bad guy’.

If they adhered to generally accepted training standards, Ms. Knowlton would be alive today.

Mary Knowlton was originally from Austin, Minnesota, and worked as a librarian in Scott County, Minnesota.

“Knowlton was a career librarian, and her son Steven Knowlton told the Fort Myers News-Press that his mother would have forgiven the officer”. She helped with the local Chamber of Commerce, was active in a program for at-risk kids where she made lunch for the students, loved the library and spent hours there volunteering. But, books are so important to have in children’s hands.

It also said she attended the University of Minnesota and George Mason University.


“She was the salt of the earth, a handsome soul and the kindest women you would know”, she said.

73yo woman accidentally shot dead in Florida police academy drill