
Woman fights back at online trolls after makeover photo goes viral

Her friend posted a side-by-side picture to Instagram, with a before photo showing the extent of VanPevenage’s acne, and the after the results of the makeover. Several people chimed in to praise the make-up artists skills.


If you have nothing nice to say… The photo was retweeted over 8,000 times. But unfortunately, it didn’t end there.

The photo went viral and inspired copycats, BuzzFeed reports.

A few other accounts copied the picture and included variations of hateful captions such as, “The reason why you gotta take a b*** swimming on the first date”. “Ashley is a strong girl, but even she was hurt by this”.

Months later, VanPevenage is finally responding to what the Internet hath wrought of her vulnerable yet ultimately happy moment – and reminding everyone who’s been subjected to the same scrutiny that staying confident in your own appearance is key.

“I used to be entertained by many memes”, she admits. “But when it’s actually you and you’re dealing with all the harsh comments?” “I didn’t like going out in public without makeup or without having my hair done”.

“I lost my confidence”. I didn’t like going out in public without make-up or without my hair done’. But there are real people in those photos, including in the vulnerable “before” shots.

One said this was a before and after of a porn star. ‘And I’m like, “Woah, that’s me”.

“Some days I will read through the comments and just see how cruel people can be”, VanPevenage said in the video.

While the nasty comments did get to her, VanPevenge decided not to let other people’s negativity bring her down.

At the end of the video, Miss VanPevenage says: “People’s opinions don’t matter to me”.


“Everyone should feel handsome in their natural skin, and it doesn’t matter what is on the outside of your face”.

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