
Woman freed from Richmond closet after year of alleged abuse

For Families Free of Violence contacted Richmond police detectives as well, police said.


Police said that the woman was lured to California from her native Nicaragua through Facebook messages promising her a job and a better life in the United States.

Richmond police said they were alerted about the woman by a Homeland Security agent and by an advocacy group the woman had contacted.

A 35-year-old man and a male relative were arrested Tuesday in Richmond’s Iron Triangle neighborhood on suspicion of human trafficking and a host of other offenses after a woman was rescued from the man’s residence claiming to have to been held captive there for about a year.

Gabriel Garcia, a neighbor of the woman living in the closet, described what she saw to ABC7 News, explaining the man who allegedly imprisoned her was a painter who was married with a child.

On Monday, detectives went to Constantino-Sanchez’s home and found the woman, who police said was frightened. “But then, I think she moved out and then there was another girl I saw there”, Garcia said.

Eulogio Constantino-Sanchez is accused of holding a woman prisoner in a closet and using her as a sex slave.

Homeland Security said in a statement it is working closely with Richmond police investigators “in an ongoing probe into a possible case of forced servitude”.

Constantino-Sanchez was booked for kidnapping, rape, corporal injury, false imprisonment and conspiracy and was being held in custody at County Jail in Martinez as of Wednesday night.


“Evidence at the residence confirmed all the information the detectives had obtained.”

Eulogio Constantino Sanchez