
Woman’s Physical Condition May Have Saved Her During Shark Attack

The wound was “very obviously a mouth”, he said.


According to Rotter, time will tell if she will have full use of her right arm.

It’s unknown what type of shark attacked Korcsmaros, but a shark expert with Cal State Long Beach tells the Times the wounds suggest it was a great white more than 10 feet long.

Officials say the mother of three was training for a half-Iron Man competition when she was attacked Sunday off Corona Del Mar State Beach.

Officials suspected her injuries came from a shark and kept thousands of holiday beachgoers out of the water Sunday and Monday as they searched miles of shoreline for the predator.

All beach waters closed following a shark attack Sunday afternoon off the coast of Corona del Mar have reopened as of Wednesday morning, according to Newport Beach city lifeguards.

Records show that Florida sees more shark attacks than any other state, most of which are concentrated in Volusia County.

A Canadian woman who suffered a vicious shark bite at a California beach on Sunday will have a long road toward recovery, doctors treating her wounds said Tuesday. “And the reason for that is simple math”. She also had lacerations on her right arm, an open chest wound and multiple rib fractures and had lost about a liter of blood, doctors said.

Burgess has previously said that the rising population of humans and increased beach activities are the main driver of shark attacks, but notes that the odds of a fatal shark attacks are so low that a beach goers face a higher risk of being killed “by sand collapsing as the result of over achieving sand castle builders”.

The press conference got interrupted when someone in the audience apparently fainted as doctors described Korcsmaros’ wounds.

She was bitten while swimming about 100 yards offshore, just outside buoys marking a protected swimming area near where boats travel.

Lifeguards who saw her struggling witnessed the last part of the attack and quickly ruled out a boating or watercraft accident, said Rob Williams, chief lifeguard of the Newport Beach Fire Department’s Marine Operations Division.

Lifeguards cleared the water from the state beach to the Newport Pier, a stretch of more than two miles.


A stretch of California shoreline that was closed after a weekend shark attack has been reopened, but the beach where the attack took place remains closed.

Lifeguards shut down a popular Southern California beach for swimmers and surfers after a woman was pulled injured from the water with bite marks in a possible shark attack authorities said