
Woman stops intruder with medieval combat skills, sword

Dolley was also snoozing Thursday night time around nighttime, statistics, but popped up of floor once this lady discussed a man’s accent in her own residence.


According to The Indianapolis Star, 43-year-old Karen Dolley awoke to sounds of someone in her home. So she reached for her ninjato – which is a sword used in the Japanese feudal period.

Dolley says she learned to fight as a teenager in the Society for Creative Anachronism, a group that recreates skills from the Middle Ages.

She said, “I didn’t think I was getting good blows in but my knuckles are bruised today”. “Hitting someone like that, it isn’t like the movies”.

“Police arrested 30-year-old Jacob Wessel, who stands at 5’10”, for residential entry for forcing his way into the home’s back door.

It’s best to run, but if you can’t, using a knife or stick is acceptable for someone with training in their use. Dolley pointed the sword at the suspect until she called 911 and police arrived.

In the beginning, her opponents could guess her moves because she was afraid she was going to hurt someone, she said, so an early lesson was to move confidently and aggressively. Otherwise, using common objects around the house, like a lamp, is a last resort, Michael Valenti, who teaches self defense, told the Star. Within minutes, police officers reached Karen Dolley’s home – much to her (and perhaps the intruder’s) relief. “I know I could do it, but I don’t want to do that”.

An intruder met his match in roller girl and medieval combat fighter Karen Dolley.


Houston police spokeswoman Jodi Silva said Saturday the student was 18-year-old Brent Randall, who died en route to a hospital after being shot next to a student housing complex at Texas Southern University. Now, Dolley is only upset that the intruder ruined her sleep and angered her cat.

Karen Dolley: Indianapolis Woman Stops Intruder Using Medieval Combat Training