
Woman Takes Stand Against Airport Security By Drinking Entire Bottle Of Cognac

A woman stopped from boarding a flight for carrying a bottle of cognac shocked airport security in Beijing when she chose to drink it down at the gate, local media reported Monday.


But the 700ml bottle, costing United States dollars 190, was far above the 100ml that security laws allow.

A woman who was told she couldn’t bring a £120 bottle of cognac on to a plane tried to thwart security officials by downing its contents.

Not wanting to let it go to waste, the woman who had the surname Zhou drank the entire bottle.

A police officer told the South China Morning Post: “She was so drunk… she couldn’t even stand up herself”.

She began to shout incoherently, then fell over and started rolling around the floor, prompting authorities to intervene.

In concern for the safety of other passengers, as well as herself, the woman was not allowed to board the flight. “We took her to a room in a wheelchair so she could rest”, the officer told The Beijing Times.

She was then collected by family members after sleeping off the effect of the alcohol.

Almost all of us can relate to worrying about airport security and checking lists of items not allowed on a plane before packing.


When she woke up a few hours later, she reportedly thanks the police for taking care of her. Relatives came to take her home.

Woman drinks £130 bottle of cognac after being told she could not take it on