
Woman Tosses Coffee At Praying Muslim Men In Park

A California government worker was caught on video hurling anti-Islamic slurs at a group of Muslims parying in a park over the weekend, and even threw coffee at one of the men when he started to film her hateful outburst. “We are now forwarding the report to the district attorney’s office to decide whether to go proceed with misdemeanor battery or a hate crime”, said Carolyn Jones with the East Bay Regional Park District.


On the video, Slader is heard saying, “The people you tortured, are going to be in eternity in heaven”.

After calling Allah “Satan”, and telling them they were all “murderers”, the woman threw coffee on one man and proceeded to attack him with her umbrella.

At that point, a park ranger comes over to the woman and asks the woman if it’s appropriate for her to be haranguing the men.

“I’m very, very sorry u had to endure this type of incident with this very ignorant and stupid lady!!”

Albeshari said he was surprised to have this happen to him in California – he’d moved there four years ago from SC, believing it to be the most progressive state in the country. “I think that’s what makes this nation great – tolerance and acceptance”. “It’s a very uncomfortable feeling”.

East Bay Regional Park District spokeswoman said today.

Luis Patino, a spokesman with the CDCR, told Mashable that Slader now remains employed in an administrative capacity with the Division of Adult Parole Operations as a program technician. “Nothing but hate”, she said.

The report is expected to be forwarded to the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office and the decision on whether to pursue a hate crime charge will be left up to prosecutors, Jones said. Albeshari can be heard yelling and then tells somebody to “call the cops”.

The corrections department “expects its employees to abide by a code of conduct that includes respecting the rights of others”, Patino said, “regardless of personal characteristics, including ancestry and religion”.

Following the mass shootings in San Bernardino last week where a extremist couple killed 14 people at the Bernardino county health department, California Muslims fear they might be discriminated against or targeted due to their faith.


He said as an American who was born in the USA the entire experience has been unusual. The DA will determine if the incident will be considered a hate crime.

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