
Women are now tweeting Donald Trump about their periods

We’re going to turn to the race for 2016 and the other developing story at this hour.


For her part, Kelly also briefly addressed the controversy on her show Monday night. Here’s ABC’s chief white house correspondent Jonathan Karl.

Trump is fresh off a fiery exchange with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly over sexism at last week’s debate.

“Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?”

“As far as I’m concerned, I’m fine with it”, Trump said in a freewheeling, 30-minute interview with CNN’s “New Day” when asked about the flap after concluding his interview with Fox.

And Clinton said Marco Rubio’s opposition to abortions even in cases of rape or incest is worse than the way Donald Trump talks about women. We’ve always been friends. And that fearless attitude has paid off: Fox News had the best ratings week since 2003. His harshest comments aimed at Kelly. She clearly had a “bone to pick” with him, the former reality television star told CNN. He is a great guy & assures me that “Trump” will be treated fairly on @FoxNews.

Kelly said that she would not be responding to the personal attacks against her, and that she would continue to do her job “without fear or favor”.

Gross. Naturally, every thinking and/or sane person was horrified by Trump’s comments, including, one would assume, Kelly herself.

A demonstrator’s sign is seen prior to a gathering near Donald Trump’s luxury hotel project in DC to protest his recent remarks about Mexican immigrants in Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, USA, 09 July 2015.

“He liked to get publicity for himself, which I didnt want“. And I’m not happy if I’m not winning.

Clinton also discussed a comment Trump made during the debate about buying politicians. “This is a tough business and I think it’s time now to move forward”. Trump wrote on Sunday.

Well done, Megyn. I’ll be honest – I’m still not entirely sure what to think of Kelly.

Donald Trump remains the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination following a controversial debate in which the billionaire businessman refused to pledge loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee. I was very angry with the way I was treated and perhaps justifiably.


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Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump gives the key note speech at the Republican Party Lincoln Day event in Birch Run Michigan