
Women Are Tweeting About Their Periods To Protest Mike Pence

Pence, who emerged from a somewhat chaotic selection process last week, tossed in a subtle dig at his former rival for the Trump ticket, Newt Gingrich.


Mike Pence, making his first appearance in Cleveland since being named Donald Trump’s running mate, tried to reassure Republicans nervous about the celebrity businessman’s conservative credentials by vouching for his character and comparing him to Ronald Reagan.

Fourteenth district U.S. Rep. David Joyce told the Star Beacon he felt Pence “by all accounts, did a nice job” during his 10 years in Congress, from 2003 to 2013, and his background could balance Trump’s business savvy. “He is so unabashedly pro-Israel in every respect, and he is not afraid to demonstrate it and be vocal about it”. Before the Comey tongue-lashing, more than half of Sanders voters said they would vote for Clinton.

Pence then jumped in to state that, “This is- this is the kind- this is the kind of leadership that America needs and it begins with deciding to destroy the enemies of our freedom”.

Repeatedly calling Trump “this good man”, Pence touted Trump’s credentials to the American Conservative Union here.

“By the time I arrived in Washington, D.C., the first priority of a Republican president was No Child Left Behind, one of the largest expansions of the federal government’s role in education in the history of the department”, Mr. Pence said.

Mike Pence release his recent tax returns?

“People keep saying Donald Trump’s not conservative enough”, Doherty said.”I happen to think he is”. We want to be a leader.’ I think he will be seen as a calming influence – you know, he may have disagreed with his colleagues in the House of Representatives but they all had respect for him. Green said he once considered moving his family to IN because of Pence’s policies. “He seeks consensus. He likes to listen, has very strong personal convictions – you know, conservatism with a smile”. Almost one in three registered voters say terrorism or national security will be the most important issue determining their vote this fall – outpacing job creation, and Social Security. He is a great friend of Israel.

“I think the American people made a decision to right the ship and I was just the captain they put on the bridge when they did it”, Reagan said, according to Pence.

Endangered Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, one of the few Republicans facing tough re-election match-ups to embrace Trump, will speak, as will New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie – who just lost out in the vice presidential sweepstakes.

“She, in some respects, had to be recruited”, he said.

Several convention delegates called Trump’s choice of running mate a step toward uniting a bitterly divided Republican Party and working to build bridges with the party’s establishment. Our message will reach out to Democrats, independents and moderate, commonsense Republicans.


She’s a convention delegate and a member of the national GOP platform committee who’s been talked to about heading up a Pa. Women for Trump group.

Mitch Perry Report for 7.18.16 – Here's the Trump-Pence ticket, America