
Women to Launch Super PAC to Support Donald Trump

What a large majority of Republicans do agree on, however, is that Donald Trump’s comments weren’t racist. “And as a recovering lawyer myself, let me give you some free legal advice – settle the damn case, and apologize to the judge”. I think it has to do with perhaps the fact that I’m very, very strong on the border.


On Tuesday, Ryan said Trump is still better than the Democrats’ likely nominee – Hillary Clinton.

“Right now the Republican Party is facing – the plane is headed towards the mountain after the last 72 hours”, he said. If there is a single elected official who actually believes Trump will be elected president, they are living in a fantasy world from which they can never emerge. In his statement on the matter earlier, he said he’d been “misconstrued” and that he was “justified in questioning” treatment by the judge. Clinton won 56 percent to Sanders’ 43 percent, avoiding what would have been an embarrassing loss for her in America’s most populous state. “Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment”.

One Republican senator, Mark Kirk of IL, has withdrawn his endorsement of Trump, saying that his statements about the judge show he lacks “the temperament necessary to assume the greatest office in the world”. Mark Kirk of IL, who is in a competitive re-election race, said in a statement. It reminded voters in battleground states that Trump had mocked a disabled reporter. I do not feel that one’s heritage makes them incapable of being impartial, but, based on the rulings that I have received in the Trump University civil case, I feel justified in questioning whether I am receiving a fair trial. The Republican senator from SC said, “To suggest that a judge can’t fairly decide a case because of where his parents were born is a new low in a campaign with plenty of lows”. He’s out of line.

“His persistent attacks on Judge Curiel are not only racist, but they provide an ominous portent of how Trump would use the power of the presidency to intimidate federal judges”.

Trump aides say he is preparing to go on the offensive soon with a major speech attacking Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, on a range of issues.

The desire to win in the fall served as a way for even those denouncing Trump to explain their continued backing of him.

After a day full of Republican leaders lambasting Trump in the media, the off-the-cuff billionaire chose to straighten up a bit and read an uncharacteristically refined thank you speech – directly from a teleprompter.

The presumed GOP presidential nominee called 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney a “loser” and took repeated jabs at former presidential rival Jeb Bush. Gallardo said. “Is that what we’re waiting for? He needs to unite the party and he needs to unite the country”, she said.

Asked by NBC News if he was disappointed in Trump’s rhetoric, Sessions said: “Well, it would’ve be nice if it were – that had not been said, for sure”. He’s his own hatchet man.

Well done, Ryan. Sometimes you’ve just got to call a spade a spade. “His way is to throw bombs and spark a discussion”.

Trump brought it up more recently in a campaign speech in San Diego on May 27.


Sanders made it clear Wednesday he will not give up the fight yet. And each day I say I want to get to the point of endorsing the Republican nominee. “And I’m not a politician fighting”.

Donald Trump double thumbs