
World leaders to show solidarity at Paris climate talks

Climate group announced that, “although activists in Paris are working hard to figure out alternatives, there won’t be a French repeat of last year’s mammoth NY procession”.


As Paris recovers from the shock of the recent horrific attacks, the City of Light also stands as a beacon of hope for the world as it prepares to host a historic meeting of world leaders.

The French government has said it would not submit to terrorism and that the climate-change conference would go forward despite the attacks and the resultant state of emergency.

The road to a new global climate treaty has been slow and plodding. “So they are putting their travel plans where their mouth is and they will be there to support the climate negotiations”. Although these pledges would not cut greenhouse-gas emissions enough to meet the United Nations goal of limiting global warming to 2°C above pre-industrial levels, they show a level of commitment that was missing in Copenhagen.

Janos Pasztor, the UN Assistant Secretary-General on Climate Change, on Friday, announced [press release] that the upcoming UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris on November 30th must serve as the turning point for climate law throughout the world.

Organised by QU and the French embassy in Doha, the “Climate Change: Facts, Risks and Solutions” will provide an insight into the global issue and discuss the risks and challenges facing the planet, and countries in the Gulf including Qatar.

But it is during Cop21 in Paris that the ambition agreed thus far is expected to become real and significant, moving from agreed aspiration to a negotiated plan to deliver.

More than 60 Hindu leaders have today signed a climate declaration calling for governments to take urgent action to tackle carbon emissions at next week’s talks.

Meanwhile, those who think beyond keyboard theories and computer graphics will engage the war that continues to manifest itself in places like Paris, to save other innocents from imminent and future destruction by real world destroyers – radical Islamic terrorists.


The Sustainable Innovation Forum, the largest business focused event held during the annual Conference of Parties (COP), is taking place this year on 7-8 December at COP21 in Paris.

AFP  File  Kenzo Tribouillard Soldiers patrol at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in Paris