
World of Final Fantasy E3 Trailer Released by Square Enix

A new E3 trailer has been released that offers a fresh glimpse of the game, featuring iconic Final Fantasy monsters and adorable heroes. There are moments when characters, especially protagonist twins Reynn and Lann, are rendered with nearly correct body proportions and in relations to the world around them.


Also debuting for PS4 in North American as well as European shores next year is “Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age”. So, you can return to the town from a dungeon at any time (and go back easily), losing a battle will only see you getting sent back home (you don’t lose money or items), battles are easy early on before getting more hard at the mid-way point (if you don’t consider attributes), and event scenes can be skipped or fast-forwarded. It’s being balanced so you can battle recklessly, more or less.

The story alone boasts over 100 hours of gameplay. Ofuji added that these scenes are the flawless examples of seeing the different personalities of the four characters in “Final Fantasy XV” and gives gamers a hint on how they interact with each other to other characters as well.

Event scenes can be fast-forwarded or skipped.

As for Mirages – the beasts you can capture and raise – there are over 200 in the game, including cactuar, chocobo, and behemoth.

More news about “World of Final Fantasy” should be made available soon. Pre-orders will even come with a chibi Sephiroth figure.


But not only are they going to be doing that, they’re going in and they’re re-doing all of the backgrounds, all of the characters, and they also said they they’re going to be improving the voice acting as well. Again, something that you’ll only be able to see in this World of Final Fantasy. Let us know in the comments section below.

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