
Worldwide Football: Blatter confirms presidential end

The comedian is not new to showing up to events uninvited. But Prince Ali bin Al Hussein, a former vice president who stood against Blatter in May, and Platini are considering runs. “He is seriously considering running”. So he will have to make a decision regarding what his next steps are.


The date was chosen by FIFA’s executive committee on Monday, after Blatter announced plans to resign four days following his re-election in May amid American and Swiss criminal investigations into corruption.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter set the date for an extraordinary FIFA Congress at a FIFA Executive Committee meeting on July 20 in Zurich.

Blatter hailed the moves toward reforms that government leaders around the world as well as football administrators have demanded.

He also pledged to introduce a change he had rejected as recently as 2014, term limits for high-ranking Federation Internationale de Football Association officials of three four-year stints.

However, Blatter said that “85 percent” of reforms initiated in the previous cycle had been carried out including a more powerful ethics committee.

Webb, from the Cayman islands, was among the seven people detained in Zurich.

Blatter put an end to speculation and insisted he would not be standing as a candidate.

It had previously been suggested that Blatter could stand again in the coming election, but he said on Monday that he would not be standing. He spent several minutes mingling with the players before his cover was blown and he was taken away by security.

But as he announced at a news conference in Zurich that: “I will not be a candidate for the election in 2016”, the 79-year-old was showered in fake cash by British comedian Lee Nelson, who was quickly hauled off stage.

Nelson was wearing a North Korean star badge, and before hurling the paper bills at the 79-year-old, shouted “This is for North Korea 2026” – a reference to the year of the next available World Cup hosting opportunity.

Blatter was unharmed but looked nervous as the notes were thrown towards him.

A 209-member body could not ensure Blatter’s immediate termination from office.


Blatter called for his security team, and said the area needed to be “cleaned up” so the press conference was briefly delayed.

Journalists are reflected in the FIFA logo as they wait in front of the FIFA headquarters in Zurich prior to the press conference of the extraordinary FIFA Executive Committee in Zurich Switzerland Monday