
Worldwide Youth Day: Read What Commonwealth Youth Council Said

The Honiara City Council Youth Division today joined other UN member countries to celebrate global Youth Day which falls annually on 12 August.


IYD was established by the United Nations in 2000 as a means of bringing attention to issues affecting young people around the world.

“Youth movements and student groups are challenging traditional power structures and advocating a new social contract between States and societies. Large businesses are being created by young people and I am positive that our youths have ideas and skills that can positively change our society”, the governor said, pointing out the creation of the ministry of employment and wealth creation signalled the determination to engage the young brains.

In September of this year, world leaders will meet in New York to announce a new set of global goals, the Sustainable Development Goals, which will shape the future of people and planet by ending poverty, inequality and climate change.

He said this year’s theme which is “Youth Civic Engagement” will open discussions and debates on how to ensure improved youth civic mindedness, voter turnout, confidence in government institutions and democracy as well as knowledge of history and civic rights.

This theme is very important for us, the young people, as the world population is becoming younger in every generation, the participation of more young people in nation building and citizenship awareness is imperative.

Waheed Ishola, state director, National Orientation Agency (NOA), speaking on “engaging the Nigerian Youths for sustainable national development”, described youths as the engine room of societal development and both the government and the private sector players should encourage them.

The program was the first of the continental body’s two-day commemorations. This problem was rightly raised years ago by former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, who said (quote) “no one is born a good citizen; no nation is born a democracy”.

He says these celebrations will recognize the vital contributions from young people.

Mr. Nandy stated “The engagement and participation of youth is essential to achieve sustainable human development, resilience and wellbeing [and] today, as we celebrate worldwide Youth Day, we have to ensure that it is young people who will lead this discussion”. He further noted that “Young people must be at the centre of national development plans and they need to be actively engaged in the formulation of policies and programmes”.


The celebration of this year’s Youth Day comes at a critical juncture as the world prepares to usher in the Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals at the expiration of the Millennium Development Gaols.
