
Worms WMD Features an All-Star Cast of Video Game Cameos

In lieu of a cake, however, Team 17 is celebrating with the announcement of the Worms WMD All-Stars pre-order pack.


As you can see in the video above, it brings together a slew of popular mostly-indie titles – namely Rocket League, Goat Simulator, Payday 2, Broforce, Saints Row IV, Unturned, Orcs Must Die!

Rocket League: Adds Rocket League’s Octane Battle-Car to the war zone. There’ll also be Team Fortress stuff for anyone pre-ordering the game on Steam. From the world of Goat Simulator comes the Goat-on-a-Rope weapon.

On August 23, developer Team 17 will release the latest Worms game – Worms WMD – and while the tried and tested 2D gameplay mechanics remain, there are some new additions, such as the ability to hide in buildings, use mounted guns, and travel around in vehicles.

Yooka-Laylee – Dress your worms up as one of gaming’s most anticipated double acts with the awesome Yooka-Laylee seven mask set!

Classic Worms: Adds classic worm fodder by way of the Ming Vase, Sheep Launcher, and Kamikaze weapons, as well as five “classic” missions and a three-mask set.

Classic Worms – Ahhhh, precious memories of mutually-assured worm destruction! As mentioned in the list above, there is exclusive Rare content for Xbox One players. Perfect Dark’s Joanna Dark can be used as a weapon, and there are masks from Blast Corps, Jet Force Gemini, Jetpac, Killer Instinct and Battletoads.


You’ll find characters will make an appearance from the following video games.
