
Worried about Zika, MLB players question Puerto Rico games

And with the Zika virus on everyone’s radar over the past few months, Debboun said they’ll be heading into neighborhoods to mount an education campaign once the high waters recede in order to keep the spread of the virus under wraps as much as possible.


Inform workers about their risks of exposure to Zika virus through mosquito bites and train them how to protect themselves. Of the two cases identified in San Bernardino County, one patient resides in Colton, the other in Rancho Cucomonga.

“There are no cases in the United States of the Zika virus itself”, said Cavin Richardson, a registered nurse with the Harrison-Clarksburg Health Department.

The only American territories now known to possess Zika transmission are Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa.

Emergency medicine physician Kyle Gerakopoulos says she doesn’t think people in this area should be anxious about getting the Zika virus from mosquitoes. That would go towards medical response teams when a case is reported and fund research for a vaccine and treatment. That way, you help stop the spread of the virus.

Dr. Ben Chan, state epidemiologist for DHHS, said the risk to New Hampshire residents lies mainly with anybody traveling to other parts of the world where the Zika virus is being spread through mosquito bites.

Guo-li Ming, professor of neurology, neuroscience, and psychiatry and behavioural sciences at the university, said: “If infection occurred very early in development, the virus mostly infected the mini-brains’ neural progenitor cells, and the effects were very severe”. Although most people who are infected do not exhibit symptoms, many manifestations of the ailment include conjunctivitis, rash, fever, headache, as well as joint and muscle pain.

Republicans in Congress may be ready to act on funding for the fight against the Zika virus.

“Zika causes microcephaly – abnormally small brains and heads – mainly by attacking the neural progenitor cells that build the brain”.

“We are trapping and testing in most of the cities in this state but certainly not all of them”, said Sarah MacGregor, an entomologist and president of Dragon Mosquito Control. In Utah, the threat has not yet taken a high profile, even though it is likely people here will be affected. “If you’re in a place where Zika is spreading use mosquito repellant, use long sleeves, use clothes that repel”.


Since the beginning of this year, there have been six recorded cases of the Zika virus in IN, all travel-related.

Worried about Zika, MLB players question Puerto Rico games