
Would-be Bank Robber Apparently Didn’t Think About the Problem Posed by

The customer, who had a concealed weapon licence, is co-operating with police.


Local 4 has learned the robber walked into the bank and announced a hold-up.

Guyette learned what had just transpired and said the would-be robber got what he deserved. The bank is located in the 23000 block of Van Dyke north of Nine. He is recovering in serious condition at St. John Providence Hospital. The suspect reportedly was about to get away with “a large amount” of cash before the 63-year-old customer, also armed, stepped in and shot him three times.

“They basically pulled up to a guy on the ground – bloody – and they handcuffed him”, Guyett said.

Fouts said one of the important aspects of the situation was that no one else was hurt and the suspected robber was not fatally injured. “It’s his Second Amendment right”. “He was moaning and kind of screaming and paramedics pulled up and started working on him”.

Stay with FOX 2 for more information as it becomes available.

Bahry is a firearm instructor at the Action Impact Gun Range. He said the initial evidence indicates the autoworker was acting in self defense.

“For those people that are anti-gun and anti-us civilians carrying firearms, I say what if that was you inside of that bank”, Bahry said.

However, Fouts said a bullet apparently from Kendrick’s gun busted glass out of a bank window. “But this had a relatively good outcome”.

“I don’t encourage citizens to use guns, but in this case, the robber was pointing his gun at the customer’s face and he responded”, Fouts said.


“Maybe it will make the bad guy think twice next time, ” he said.

Image source WDIV-TV