
WRC to Host Candlelight Vigil for Domestic Violence Victims

Statistics like these are why the state of Oklahoma and Verizon have participated in raising awareness on these issues year after year in conjunction with Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The displays will be at local schools, courthouses, medical facilities and public places honoring local victims that have lost their lives to domestic violence.


Ugliness that all too often beggars all description.

Under New York State’s Human Rights Law, it is unlawful for employers to discriminate against someone because that person is a victim of domestic violence. Over the course of a year that equals more than 12 million women and men.

During October, which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the DA’s office aims to raise awareness of the year-round social problem, which Saenz said threatens the structure of the family unit.

Martha Salters with Penelope House said, “The whole premise of the program was to create a database that would track domestic violence offenders”. All proceeds from the sale of the pepper spray will benefit the Harlan County Domestic Violence Council. However, unlike many victims, she spoke out about the abuse and was able to have her abusers put in jail-but not before considerable damage was done to her home and to her children’s sense of safety.

“We also will be talking about the effects of domestic violence on children, because that’s an important piece, and then we have one of our advocates who has a story to share about her experience with domestic violence”.

“My favorite part is the gratification from a client when you know your efforts have paid off in a positive way”, Moore said.

In 2014, Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence served 43,201 adult survivors of domestic violence and 8,234 child witnesses, providing 588,533 hours of service.

The more than 300 pinwheels represent victims of domestic violence in Georgia.

If you or someone you know is in need of help or information, Boston-based organization The Network/La Red is a great resource. “Usually, [victims] say, ‘I want him to get help.’ And we can tell them about the batterer’s intervention treatment”.

Approximately 30 people from the Combat Center and the surrounding communities attended the event as an opportunity to learn various strategies to prevent domestic violence.


Domestic violence isn’t always physical.

Police Chief Tim Shaw. has placed large purple ribbons on all of the Easton Police Department cruisers for the month of October to show support for Domestic Violence Prevention Month