
WWE Spoilers: Two new matches announced for Fastlane

Michael Cole was forced to throw straight back to Young, where Kevin Owens was enraged that he hadn’t been given any interview time. We’ll have to wait and see on this one. I was recently on Between the Ropes and host Brian Fritz suggested Undertaker vs. Del Rio. Ziggler nearly gets the three, but ADR comes in and superkicks him. It was Alberto Del Rio who won, beating Sin Cara after hitting an unnecessarily unsafe version of his double stomp finisher, halfway across the ring. Ziggler hasn’t done much of anything since the summer, and WWE continues to position Owens as a top heel.


After a relatively short match, Sasha Banks locks in the Bank Statement for the win. Tamina didn’t hesitate to make Becky pay with a post-match beatdown, though Sasha Banks’ arrival forced the former Team B.A.D. members to make a hasty exit. Backstage, Becky says they can’t let ego get in the way. Yes, and I think that might be more likely. Reigns can’t have both of them, and at Fastlane, he’s gonna have to choose one of them.

All of this and more are on the agenda when tonight’s SmackDown gets started at 8 pm EST, and Hidden Remote has all the details you need to catch this week’s episode online via the handy links located below.

-Jericho defeated The Miz with The Walls of Jericho. “One fight isn’t going to make or break her career”, Lesnar said. Jericho said he wasn’t sure he wanted another match and promised to respond this week on SmackDown. However, Brie told him that he will always be a wrestler. It took the arrival of Ambrose to save Reigns, though it wasn’t so cut & dry as that. Jericho-Ambrose has a nice ring to it, but the Lunatic Fringe is certainly making a case for a main event lately. Ambrose pretends asks for advice from Heyman, which is hilarious. Well, it turns out that actually keeping someone over at a main event level is trickier than they anticipated, because everyone’s favorite Samoan has basically been playing the role of “Roman Reigns was also there” in the buildup to this. It’s a chance for AJ or Jericho to get a win. When Brie declined, Charlotte responded with insults & Brie Mode activated by way of a flurry of “Yes!” kicks to the sternum that Flair had to physically haul Charlotte away from.

Stardust and Goldust have as yet been unable to patch things up, leading to the latter pleading with R-Truth to become his new tag-team partner. But Lesnar probably won’t be heading towards a main event match at WrestleMania. The Dudley Boyz then turned up and beat down Reigns, with the announcers playing up the Dudleys’ connection with Heyman from their ECW days.

It was a fantastic match, but I could’ve done with the missile dropkick spot we’ve come to see every single week on television now. Ambrose tried to land his finishing move on Reigns, but the Samoan reversed it to a Samoan Drop on the Ohioan.


Dean Ambrose began the program and called out the Beast because he wanted to eat another F5, but Lesnar wouldn’t be on Raw Monday night.

Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns shake hands after the latter's triumph