
Wynne continues criticism of Harper at campaign event for Bill Blair

Kathleen Wynne has taken out her hammer.


The Conservative Party has yet to respond to Wynne’s latest comments.

She compared Prime Minster Harper to Canada’s first prime minister. Wynne said in a sharp interview with Chris Hall on CBC Radio’s The House.

“But I would also add that the premier, I think, has been more partisan in terms of her public comments and criticism of the current Conservative government in Ottawa than any premier of the province of Ontario in history”, Arnott said.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne vowed Friday to keep fighting against Stephen Harper in the federal election campaign, saying she’s doesn’t know how much more dysfunctional her relationship with the prime minister can get.

“The fact of the matter is the Harper government has been very disrespectful of Ontarians, whether it’s the inadequate amount of infrastructure spending they are making in this province… or whether it’s their decision not to work with us… on the Ontario pension plan”, Duguid told reporters at Queen’s Park on Friday.

Martin Rust, a senior advisor with StrategyCorp, said Wynne’s remarks during the election campaign have been surprising.

“The relationship with Stephen Harper has been a hard one”.

The Conservatives have warned that the ORPP will result in a payroll tax because it requires contributions from employers and workers in any company that does not have a workplace pension.

Harper has said he opposes the new Ontario pension plan because he believes Canadians prefer savings options like tax-free savings accounts that the Conservatives created and then doubled.


“By his definition, any time you save money for anything, you’re taxing yourself”. Notley said she would not be actively campaigning for federal NDP Leader Tom Mulcair, but would support him. “Well, that’s nonsense”, she said. “Obviously there’s a veneer of political campaigning on everything right now, but these are issues I’ve been raising consistently since I’ve been premier, and I’m going to continue to raise them”.

The province released details today on how the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan would work