
X Factor hopeful slammed by Simon Cowell for being DRUNK at Bootcamp

He refused to give the unprepared contestant another chance: “I’m not interested in your attitude, your bad voice and the fact that you decided getting drunk was more important than working with this lot”.


In another group of contestants, 18-year-old Kiera Weathers and 23-year-old Kelly Mai-Webb were stuck with the whinging of sibling duo Castiello, who spent most of the time grumbling about the song they had to perform.

Unfortunately, while this gentle approach might be more mindful of the wannabes’ emotional well-being, it hasn’t helped the show in the ratings, so now we can’t help but wonder if this episode, the penultimate one of the auditions stage, might have been hastily re-edited to make things a bit zingier. But their rendition of Chris Brown’s She Ain’t You fell foul of the judges and Debbie and her co-manager Paul skulked off berating Cowell’s decision.

“Of course everyone has fun when they are younger, but she really wants to be seen as family-friendly to hold on to her X Factor spot”. I understand you’ve been through some hard times, that really touched us. It still wasn’t enough to get Dtour a single “yes” from the judges.

Lucy Duffield, a 26-year-old sales assistant and part-time singer from Essex, reminded Grimshaw that she had sung on his show and fellow Essex girl Megan Dallas, a 24-year-old accountant a from Basildon, played guitar as she performed TLC classic Waterfalls.

He said: “He’s the least popular member of One Direction, so I’m not sure”.

And where do we even begin with this disco double-act?

Is the “X Factor” set to provide her a (second) big break? McCaul was, in his own words, “a ginger Stevie Wonder” or, as Simon put it, “a great singer but a terrible performer”. “I don’t see where this fits in today’s market”, said Cowell.

Don’t you just love it when someone comes onto the X Factor with an original song?

But Blackpool’s Ryan Ruckledge, 22, clearly never received that memo when he took advantage of the free bar the night before The X Factor’s Bootcamp auditions.

In the video player above, we have Sherily Hamilton Shaw.


Will they move Up to Boot Camp?

X Factor 2015 Boyband manager invades stage during last audition show