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Xbox Scorpio, next year’s 6TF console from Microsoft, will have a selection of exclusive titles, but these will be virtual reality games.


Microsoft and Sony both have upgraded hardware on the way for their current consoles, but though their tactics may seem similar, they may be aiming at very different goals. Its seems as if Microsoft is set on completely changing the paradigm of console generations with Xbox Project Scorpio, which is meant to be almost 5 times as powerful as the Xbox One yet also meant to sit and function alongside the older machine.

During an interview with Engadget, Microsoft’s head of Xbox games marketing Aaron Greenberg was asked if this was the last console generation, considering how regularly the Xbox platform is being updated with new features, and the same goes for hardware.

Xbox head of operations Dave McCarthy previously talked about the strides Microsoft is making in the console space with the Scorpio device. Well.even more than it already has. When you get a new phone or buy a new computer, you don’t lose access to things like games and music, as you did between previous console generation jumps like from Xbox 360 to Xbox One.

It was confirmed following Scorpio’s reveal that Microsoft is allowing exclusive games, but it has now been confirmed that we will see exclusive VR experiences. For Microsoft, the upcoming “Project Scorpio” is not just a leap forward in console power but also potentially the end to game console generations as we know them.

If this iteration cycle continues onward, I honestly feel that Microsoft will take a kind of Windows-like approach to its Xbox division and retire old systems after a certain period.

According to Polygon, the new gaming system will carry a more powerful processor and better graphics than what the recently launched Xbox One S has. Greenberg added that the Scorpio won’t have any “console-exclusive games” – instead, these games will be available to all Xbox One devices.


Speaking to Eurogamer, Moore expressed enthusiasm for the concept, noting that it would be good for the industry in the long run. Isn’t the future of gaming so bright and cheery?

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