
Xbox One Slim coming this year, more powerful console in 2017

Those speculations have mostly been drifting towards an upgrade to Xbox One, to the announcement of a lighter, smaller, cheaper version of the Xbox One.


Microsoft is rumored to debut two new versions of its Xbox One console, with one being a smaller version later this year and the other being a more powerful version in 2017. This Xbox is being developed under the codename “Scorpio” and will feature a more powerful GPU that will be “technically capable of supporting the Oculus Rift”.

Microsoft may have one of the most intriguing press conferences at E3 this year.

This device is said to be more like a streaming stick that’s akin to the first-generation Chromecast and is believed to work for the Xbox One wireless controller. And if the main reason to upgrade to a slightly more powerful console is to support VR goggles, will that be enough? The Verge makes a good point in saying since before Microsoft stopped the production of Xbox 360’s, people were mainly using the ancient console for basic gaming and streaming things like Netflix and Hulu.

S4kPlaystation “NEO” is going to be a 4k gaming beast, but Microsoft is reportedly planning a couple big moves of its own. Now, according to a new report from the Sams Report, Microsoft is working on two new Xbox devices which the company will show off at E3 in June. Other reports claim that the Xbox Two will support 4K gameplay as well as Oculus Rift.

This isn’t the first time a platform has allowed for cross-network play, as evidenced with games like Shadowrun back on Xbox 360, Portal 2 on PlayStation 3.

Both hardware upgrades are part of a larger strategy that Kotaku says is being called Project Helix.


These new reports follow on FCC filings from April suggesting that a slimmer Xbox One was in development. The second device will be a standalone offering, and will be able to access universal apps and games from the Windows Store.

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