
Yahoo begins testing search partnership with Google

The report points out that Yahoo is now using Google ads in small numbers only as a response to certain queries raised through mobile or desktop browsers. In the United States, Google shares 64.4 percent, Bing has 10 percent and Yahoo has 9.6 percent share.


Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) approves that it has been testing complementing other search ranking providers, counting Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL), to power Yahoo Search. Mr. Wall is the founder of the popular website SEO Book, which assists various companies in climbing up and improving their rankings in searches conducted on the Internet.

Yahoo’s search results were previously provided exclusively by Microsoft’s Bing, but that agreement came to an end in April. The department forbade Google to provide search ads for Yahoo’s web search efforts after a month-long saga of regulatory issues and complaints by competitors including Microsoft. According to the rather unsurprising results, Google favors its own content when returning local search results, which is – surprise, surprise – a violation of competition laws. No doubt that will be dependent on the success of Yahoo’s testing of Google’s search results. If they can partner with Google and search, that may be able to help them grow their site in other areas.

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Mobile search has been growing for some time now, but we are seeing differences in behaviour on smartphones compared to desktop.

While the Bing-Yahoo pact won’t be going away, the amended deal paves the way for Google to eat up a potentially significant chunk of Yahoo’s search and ads, if they agree to terms.

The official statement of the company wrote that the Google search add program will go through a series of tests in the following period.

Yahoo’s current moves on the search market are a complete mess, and it’s very hard even for industry experts to anticipate or guess what the company is actually looking for.


Yahoo and Microsoft entered into the 10-year partnership deal back in 2010. So who could be better than the seach giant, given its existing dominance and large market share in search. Now Yahoo can update its “search experience” on any platform.

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