
Yazidi girls burnt alive by ISIS militant for refusing to have sex

Freshly, the ISIS militants have burned 19 Yazidi girls alive for refusing to sleep with Jihadis in Central Mosul of Iraq.


Speaking to Kurdish news agency ARA, a witness to this latest execution said: “The 19 girls were burned to death while hundreds of people were watching”.

‘Nobody could do anything to save them from the brutal punishment’.

In August 2014, ISIS radicals took over the Yezidi region of Shingle in northern Iraq, causing a mass displacement of almost 400,000 people to Duhok and Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan.

“They were punished for refusing to have sex with ISIS militants”, the news agency quoted Abdullah al-Malla, a local media activist.

Having no idea where to go, the woman said she chose to stay but unluckily she was captured by ISIS fighters who confronted and discovered her crucifix tattoo on her arms. ISIS has killed dozens – “reportedly dropping some into a Value-Added Tax of acid” – and arrested many others. These women are experiencing unspeakable horrors.

She explained, “One of my friends was pregnant”. She then left her two older children in the care of neighbours and went on to search for her husband.

“What wedding? For them it was a wedding, but what kind of wedding is this?” she asked. There were two doctors and they did the abortion.

“They had me whenever they would desire it. But I didn’t have anybody and I had hope in my husband and I said to myself, ‘If I left, where would I go?” she said.

The ISIS militants reportedly took her and her baby to a school that had been converted into a slavery camp where she was repeatedly assaulted. “They told us, ‘Give up your family, give up that you are Yazidi – you are now Muslims”.

Another report in April 2015 found that doctors in the Middle East have been doing illegal abortions on girls as young as 9 who were kidnapped and raped by ISIS fighters.


The ISIS continues to hold about 1,800 abducted Yezidi women and girls in Iraq and Syria, according to Kurdistan regional government officials.

Isis Fighters