
Yea or Nay-vy: A ‘Brexit’ Battle on the Thames

SUSSEX fishermen joined hundreds of their colleagues from around the country in a high-profile protest flotilla along The Thames.


The Brexit Flotilla, as it is being dubbed, is all the London Twittersphere could talk about on Wednesday morning, with many people posting picture and videos of the boats.

She went on to explain why she didn’t want Britain to cast itself adrift from the EU. Nigel’s boat has a water cannon and is firing it at the BremainersBut Bob hits back with a megaphone rant about fishing that recalls the glory days of “Give us your f***king money!”

“We’re having to throw thousands of pounds of fish back into the sea because we don’t have the quotas, its madness”.

He claimed: “This is a photograph, an accurate, un-doctored photograph, taken on October 15 a year ago following Angela Merkel’s call in the summer and, frankly, if you believe, as I have always believed, that we should open our hearts to genuine refugees, that’s one thing”.

Speaking to Breitbart London Editor-In-Chief Raheem Kassam, Mr Farage said Brexit can win the referendum, but supporters need to actually go the polling station for it to happen. “You’re no fisherman’s friend”.

A Remain supporter retorted: “It’s ironic that Nigel Farage is supporting fishermen when he has only attended one fisheries meeting”.

Fishing for Leave wants to leave the European Union to regain national control of British waters and the resources they contain, as they believe European Union membership has decimated the British fishing industry destroying coastal communities who depend on fishing.

Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn also vowed to oppose such a budget during Mr Cameron’s weekly grilling on Wednesday, the last day of parliament before the vote.

The Ukip leader dismissed suggestions the poster was racist and insisted very few people who came into Europe past year would qualify as genuine refugees.

At Prime Minister’s Questions, he said: “We export every year about a billion pounds worth of fish to the European Union, and there is no country in the world that has a trade agreement with the European Union that doesn’t involve tariffs, taxes, on the sale of its fish, so there’s no way we would get a better deal from the outside than the deal we get on the inside”.

“The truth is coming Nigel, you’re a liar, look at us!”


“Remain” campaigners in dinghies tried to disrupt the demonstration by the “Leave” flotilla of fishing vessels. “We can not risk a return to the bad old days where fish stocks were declining so fast that there were species on the verge of extinction”.

Leave’ and ’In’ boats on London’s river Thames