
Years on, a Magic That Lived: Harry Potter & the Cursed Child

Casie Johnson has had July 31 marked on her calendar for weeks.


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child releases this weekend and local book sellers are celebrating.

As some may recall, Rowling may have single-handedly ushered in a renaissance of reading two decades ago when her books became famous and children – as well as adults – who had given up on reading flocked to stores to pick them up. Barnes & Noble says that the new text has been No. 1 on their bestseller’s list since February, when Rowling announced the publication. And it’s something area bookstores are counting on.

LONDON (AP) – There are fans with wands and wizard costumes, midnight book parties and throngs of excited muggles.

Just after midnight Saturday night, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts I and II” will be released in this world.

A 10 year-old speed-reader from Wheathampstead looks set to be the first person to review the new Harry Potter book…

Co-written by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, the play is set nineteen years after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

In this photo taken on Thursday, July 28, 2016, the Palace Theatre in London shows advertising for the new Harry Potter play.

Keeping in sync with the mania around the upcoming eighth installment of the Harry Potter series, a recent survey conducted by Crossword Bookstores revealed some rather interesting results.

“For the millions of us who are Harry Potter fans, a new Hogwarts story is a huge event”, said Amazon Books editor Seira Wilson.

The mysteries unravel beginning at 8 p.m. on July 30, he said.

He said: “It would be a weird one”.

The Akron Rubber Ducks will have special Harry Potter themed activities in between innings at their game on Sunday, including pass the O.W.L.S. trivia contest and a Tri-Wizard Tournament relay race. We’ll know by Saturday.

The Barnes and Noble, in Pittsfield, is being deliberately mysterious about their two events, said Reg Strickland, the shop’s assistant manager. “I have mixed feelings about it”, she said, allowing that “it’s exciting to do Harry Potter things again”. “Everyone loves nostalgia. People who grew up with the books may now even have kids of their own and will bring their kids out to experience the whole phenomenon”.


Harry Potter fans will be hoping to catch a glimpse of stars such as JK Rowling at the opening gala of Harry Potter And The Cursed Child.

Magical The cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child take to the stage- now plans are already underway to take the play to Broadway