
You can make your own ‘Netflix and chill’ button

The company debuted the branded do-it-yourself tool at the 2015 World Maker Faire in New York this weekend, and is now accepting submissions for future projects through its “Make It” microsite. If one of these it works overhead, you’ll likely need to proceed to by hand carry out all your binge-watching recipes.


Warning: “Some technical skills are required; if you lack said skills you may just have to settle for “Netflixing and Chilling” the old fashioned way”. It’s basically a button that can dim the lights, order food, turn on the TV, and launch Netflix all at the same time.

Netflix has opened up the experimental switch to viewers with a guide informing users how to build their own.

At the moment the Netflix button is under works, and the company engineers still accept suggestions on what the next build should contain, and maybe it will get even more user friendly for those who don’t really have the patience to tweak the hell out of their home electronics.

However, to make the Internet-based switch yourself, you will need some basic electronics and programming knowledge such as experience with APIs. The first Switch can turn on Netflix and dim the lights-which requires internet connected light bulbs.


The term originally referred to simply relaxing to watch Netflix, but more recently has become nearly universal slang among teenagers and young adults for hooking up on the pretense of watching Netflix. Netflix and chill should really have a chill element in there, somewhere, after all.

'netflix unveils nextflix and chill lazy button