
You can now use Google Now to dictate messages on WhatsApp

Using the Google app (or an Android Wear device), you can just say “OK Google, send a text to Mom: Look Massachusetts, no hands!” You can relax as of today. This update, which only requires that you have the newest version of all apps involved, allows users to quickly send messages through a variety of free apps by saying “OK Google, send a WhatsApp message to Alice”.


You’re no longer restricted to SMS messages for dictation. You may find out that the coffee shop will be more bearable if you wait an hour, or that the grocery store won’t be quite so packed if you shop on Wednesday. You are ready to dictate your message to John on Whatsapp.

Google has updated their Android-based voice-command system to include a number of messaging services like WhatsApp and Viber.

To kick things off, Google is including support for WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, Telegram, and NextPlus.


Although available only in English, the feature is expected to follow soon for local languages as well and forms part of Google’s drive to displace other virtual assistants in the market, that include the likes of Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri.

Google Now third-party messaging app integration