
You could cut the tension with a knife at Trump’s Senate meeting

The Republican National Convention in Cleveland is just a couple of weeks away, and there’s talk that some opponents of presumptive nominee Donald Trump are pushing a plan to unbind delegates, allowing them to vote for the candidate of their choosing.


Gake SkidmoreDonald Trump met with House and Senate Republicans today, some of whom have yet to endorse the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, and it does not sound like it went well, based on what sources told the Washington Post about the closed-door sessions.

Mr. Sasse did not respond in kind – but Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona did.

“I think probably somebody who would nearly be a great COO in the traditional business capacity”, he told Yahoo Finance in an interview at Trump Tower.

Trump reportedly threatened to attack Flake and predicted that Flake would lose his re-election bid.

Kirk wasn’t the only Senate Republican to tussle with Trump. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), a disabled veteran who pulled his endorsement of Trump over his racist attacks on a Mexican-American judge presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University, describing him as a loser and promising to win IL, a state Democrats have carried at the presidential level for decades.

Flake is one of the few major Republican politicians who hasn’t jumped on the Trump bandwagon.

Donald Trump is supposedly running for president, but instead of campaigning after a disgusting week of shootings, Trump is sitting on his butt at home sending hate tweets to CNN. “She’s going to be something someday for sure if she wants it”. “I say that a little facetiously, but … you’re gonna spend an inordinate amount of time with them”, he said.

At a morning meeting with about 220 members of the House GOP, Trump discussed his policies and political organization, defended his remarks on Saddam Hussein Wednesday night and took questions. Huckabee boldly told Flake and anybody else like him that there would be consequences for themselves – and for the people back in their home states.

Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer, who attended the House GOP meeting, noted that it was the first opportunity for many members to meet with Trump and that they are making progress toward party unity.

Asked about his outreach to minorities, Trump told Republicans, “Hispanics love me”, according to Dent.


The meeting was peppered by standing ovations but also included testy exchanges that reinforced several attendees’ decisions not to support Trump, the Associated Press reported.

Trump Meets With Republican Lawmakers On Capitol Hill