
You have to read Trump’s bananas attack on Ted Cruz for yourself

“There are a lot of people wondering, ‘what am I doing?'” Kasich told the crowd at a meeting of the OH delegation today.


She continued, “I’ve never heard of an American leader, or at least somebody who wants to be an American leader, claiming that he’s all we need”. Just like you’re bound by the pledge.

The Texas senator stressed that he did not utter a single negative word about Trump directly, even though he did encourage Republicans to vote their “conscience”, language that originated in the anti-Trump movement.

The 45-year-old Texas senator sensationally withheld an endorsement of Trump in his speech on Wednesday, earning a chorus of boos from the floor while getting upstaged in a power play by the Republican party nominee himself. “I thought it was classless, to tell you the truth, I thought it was a little bit classless”, Eric Trump said.

The delegates said they are looking forward to Trump’s Thursday speech.

Melania Trump speaks during the Republican National Convention on July 18, the first night of the convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Rand Paul in Kentucky. He said he would be stumping for U.S. Sen. “I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech”. In lieu of an apology Trump offered a compliment, calling Heidi Cruz “the best thing” the Texas senator has going for him. But the people in Cleveland, the delegates, don’t care about the disagreement between John Kasich and Donald Trump.

“It’s considerably different. Clinton is running on a campaign of competency, of policy-oriented perspectives, whereas Donald Trump has pulled out from his pocket a lot of personal characteristics from people”, Tammen said.

Eight years ago, Mrs. Obama said: “And Barack and I were raised with so numerous same values: like, you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you’re going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect”. Ted Cruz said he will be “watching and listening” but won’t “sit down, shut up, support the team”. Cruz used that Trump slam as a reason for not honoring a pledge to support the Republican primary victor.


“We win and we lose, but then we have to get together”, Maas said, adding with a laugh. Trump’s Thursday night acceptance speech was greeted with a standing ovation as the party seemed more unified behind its candidate. Somebody got booed the hell out of a place by thousands and thousands of people.

Jeers from NY draw Cruz's attention