
You’ll Love Why This Adorable Toddler Had A Lawyer-Themed Birthday Bash

Grayson’s January birthday party featured a cake frosted with a photo of Bart and a cardboard cutout of the personal injury lawyer.


That’s Morris Bart, a lawyer in New Orleans who specializes in vehicle accidents, slip and fall accidents, and basically every other accident where someone is injured “at no fault of their own!”

“You couldn’t talk to him”, she continued, “you couldn’t do anything with him”. He would just sit and stare at the TV.

It only made sense to have Morris Bart as the theme for Grayson’s second birthday party.

So, what has endeared him so much to toddler Grayson Dobra that his face found its way onto his birthday cake, in place of the Mickey Mouse frosting he enjoyed upon turning one?

“He’s always been very drawn to Morris Bart commercials”, his mother, L’erin Dobra, told the Wall Street Journals’s Law Blog.

We do have people call wanting autographed pictures or want a chance to meet with Mr. Bart, things of that nature, but never a child’s birthday”,

Kaley Wilkins-Fabre, the firm’s marketing coordinator said.

“They were not his first words, but they were a close second and third”, says Dobra.

Although Bart wasn’t personally able to attend Grayson’s party, his office did send a signed 8-by-10 glossy photograph and some Bart-themed New Orleans Pelicans paraphernalia.

“He was kind of shocked”, Ms. Dobra said.

Bart is known for his ever-present bad TV ads prominently featuring his slogan, “One call, that’s all!”

“They were so nice about the whole process”, Dobra says. ‘If you put it on him, you’d better not try to take it off. He will throw a fit.’The devoted mother added: ‘He has his two photos on the nightstand, and he likes to give Morris Bart a kiss goodnight sometimes.

At the end of the interview, Bart had one final takeaway to share: “Watch out sports heroes – here come the lawyers!”


Hm. Morris Bart’s office doesn’t seem like fodder for a children’s fairy tale, what with all the alleged love triangles and vicious beatings.

Louisiana mother throws personal injury lawyer-themed birthday party for commercial obsessed baby