
You’re not acceptable to US: Khizr tells Donald Trump

“Have you even read the United States constitution?”


I for one am not willing to risk my life, taking a chance that the next Muslim we let in the country doesn’t believe that stuff about killing infidels.

Capt. Khan was killed in a suicide vehicle bombing on June 8, 2004, after he ordered his men to “hit the dirt” and he moved forward when a taxi approached his unit.

“As the leader of America’s largest Muslim civil-rights organization, I urge Donald Trump to apologize for his shameful remarks disparaging a Muslim Gold Star family and for his repeated use and promotion of anti-Muslim stereotypes”, council board chair Roula Allouch said in a statement”.

Turning her arm to the camera to display the tattoo toward the end of the interview, Walker explained, “When we were getting ready to go to Iraq, he got the order saying that he was going to force protection, and I was still working in shop office”. That would put him up against a Republican nominee to represent Charlottesville, Albemarle and surrounding portions of central Virginia.

However, Mr. Zeldin, who is seeking reelection to a second term in the U.S. House of Representatives from the 1st District, said he still stands behind the candidate. Just 37 percent say Trump does. He should sincerely apologize to the Khans, Gold Star families and all my fellow citizens for his many offensive, and frankly, anti-American, comments. By his open opposition to Muslims, Trump is trying to garner the support of Americans who are suspicious of Muslims and see every Muslim as a terrorist. Ghazala said her husband asked her to speak, but she was too emotional.

“Sometimes you can’t have it both ways”, Ross said in a statement reported by the Obsever. Trump responded, saying he was “viciously attacked” and questioning whether Khan’s wife, Ghazala Khan, was forbidden to speak at the convention because of her religion. I sure hope Sen.

“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims”, Kahn said.

Some commentators suggest the Khans have received so much attention recently because their story had not been previously known or covered, while Smith had appeared on television news shows and her testimony before Congress received significant media attention since the Benghazi attack in 2012.


It is crucial for those who are untouched by war to appreciate the sacrifices made by the men and women – and their families – who are directly affected by everything from long absences by a parent or spouse to the toll taken by PTSD to the combat death of a loved one. “I think there’s something to be said about respecting those voters”, Ryan said. She added that some Republicans have pledged money to Khan.

Mike Pence in Colorado Springs on August 3  Ray Harless- FOX21 News