
You’ve Got Questions About GMO Labeling; We’ve Got Answers

We don’t yet know the effects on our kids.


Recent headlines touched on the lobbying dollars dedicated by major food and beverage companies to issues like GMO labeling and dietary guidelines on Capitol Hill.

Chipotle, the Mexican chain whose slogan is “food with integrity”, was the first national company to cook exclusively with ingredients free from genetic-engineering.

The three states that now require labeling would lose that right as no state could override and enact their own labeling of GMO products.

“It’s time to hold every member of Congress accountable”.

“The label would not signal to consumers that GMO ingredients are inferior to those produced using other agricultural production methods”, she said.

Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) is expected to introduce a companion bill in the Senate after senators return from their August recess. It’s a pathway to provide consistent information to consumers about “non-GMO”, “GMO” and “natural” food labels. America is no leader in this area; 64 countries already label food for GMOs.

Europe and most of the civilized world take a jaundiced view of genetically engineered fruits, vegetables, and meats. Common crops include alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, soy, squash and sugar beets. The main reason is the support they’ve provided for the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, also known as the DARK Act, which the House passed last month, despite the fact that 9 out 10 Americans want genetically engineered food, or GMOs, to be labeled. Here, by contrast, the FDA and the Department of Agriculture have given GMOs a free pass in deference to the powerful corporate advocates of genetic manipulation of the food supply.

“GMOs is really a proxy for numerous broader social and economic and political concerns that they have, in particular about the agri-food system”, she says. Along these lines, Maine, Vermont and Connecticut have passed laws in favor of GMO labeling. Why would anyone fight so hard against our right to know? He is the American Justice columnist for U.S.A. Today Magazine and joins Robert Scott Bell weekly for “Jonathan Emord’s Sacred Fire of Liberty”, an hour long radio program on government threats to individual liberty.

The new video, which features commentary from actors and moms including Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Constance Zimmer, is linked to a petition for food companies to become more transparent about the products they’re selling. The amount of herbicide that is used to grow our food has also exploded because GMO crops are made to withstand herbicides like glyphosate.

Earlier this year, Stallman asserted that state-led mandatory food labeling incentives “mislead consumers about the safety of GM foods, even though there is no credible evidence linking a food-safety or health risk to the consumption of GM foods”. Once parents know what’s in their children’s food and how it’s grown, they can make an informed decision. As we move into the 21st century at increasing warp speed, change is occurring rapidly.


As they broke down the numbers demographically, the researchers found less opposition to GMO foods among groups with lower levels of education, in single parent households, and those earning the highest incomes. Information, once a luxury, is now a necessity.

LETTER: Support truth in food labeling