
Young bodybuilder who consumes food worth $800 in a month

The 18 year old boy, Bulky Daveon, who became the champion in body building competition after defeating the man twice of his age, eats 5000 calories a day.


According to the report, he spent all his time in doing exercises in gym and to maintain his body’s energy he needs sufficient food and supplements.

In a talk, he said “I want to achieve my dream of winning a fourth Natural Olympia title, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get there”.

His parents Troy, 44, and Latasha, 42, has to spend approx. $800 more per month on extra foods for their bodybuilder son.

His mother prepares food for him in advance, and he carries all his required food with him wherever he goes.

His father proudly said “Daveon doesn’t walk around with his chest stuck out, there’s no bragging to him at all – he just loves to compete and he’s very good at what he does”.


Young bodybuilder who consumes food worth $800 in a month