
Young Girl Wants to Sell Brother for $54

First she says there’s obviously something WRONG with him, so they should sell him to a pet store for $1.


The clip revealing Rachel’s plan was posted on YouTube and shows her brother Jason walking around in the snow.

Check out this little girl trying to convince her dad to sell her little brother for 54 bucks. She looks like she’s five or six, and the brother is three or four.

Just another accomplishment for a woman in business.

“What do you think we could sell him for?” he asks. Cleverly enough, she assured her brother that they would buy him back, so he shouldn’t worry. She’s wanted one forever because, we don’t know, this item seems pretty cute and pretty cool. And she’s already making business proposals.

‘How did your brother get so silly?’ an off-camera voice asks.

The entire thing is beyond adorable… and that’s before we even get to Rachel’s frog hat.

Watch the daughter’s exchange with her father and give Rachel a few credit.


But Rachel takes over the negotiations: “Then we’re going to get a toy owl for me, then we’re going to get you back, don’t worry”. We see bright things in her future.

A business-minded young girl was taped suggesting that her brother be sold to a pet store- all so she can buy a toy owl