
Your Favorite Childhood auto Is Now The Toy Of Your Adult Dreams

The “Big Tike”, however, can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour and comes equipped with an airbag, headlights and mirrors.


The brothers are now ready to take on a new project and are selling their wonderful “toy auto”.

If you’ve ever dreamed of reliving your childhood and simultaneously becoming the envy of your friends, neighbors and co-workers, you may never have a better opportunity than this: There’s an adult-size, fully operational Little Tikes Cozy Coupe for sale.

The vehicle was meant to be sold on the market but did not bring in enough revenue, leading the brothers to auction the two-seater on eBay, they told the BBC this week.

Lucky for all these toddlers (who are now grown adults), these brothers have created a roadworthy version of the Little Tykes Cozy Coupe.


“We have covered over 5,000 miles in the past two years driving around shows and charity events in the United Kingdom and apart from it not being the fastest vehicle on the planet has been the most incredible fun with people queuing up to take photos along dual carriageways and highways on every trip”, the eBay description reads. “Guaranteed to create smiles wherever it goes!” The car’s price on eBay, is listed as £21,500 or a little over $33,000.

Everyone's favourite toy car is now adult-sized roadworthy and for sale