
YouTube in virtual reality push

YouTube told that it will offer special YouTube to push itself towards the virtual reality by adding 3D support for its videos which play in a 360-degree view. Wojcicki defended YouTube’s business and referred back to statistics announced during her keynote address.


The new look features three tabs: Home, for browsing YouTube generally; Subscriptions, for easily viewing content from channels users are subscribed to and Account, for keeping up with users own YouTube creation and viewing activity.

Google said an iOS update is coming to the YouTube app soon and that this is just a taste of what’s in store. And the company has good reason to focus on mobile, considering that mobile devices are responsible for more than half of YouTube views. More mature forms of entertainment “usually have both ad-supported as well as subscription revenue”, she said. And to folks who watch them, it seems as normal as anyone watching any other type of show”, said Matt McLernon, spokesman for the predominant forum for posting and watching such videos: “YouTube.

The online-video entertainment platform continues to reach more teenagers and youngsters than any other media outlet, as it now boasts more than a billion global users.

If you have been watching YouTube for any length of time, chances are high you have come across vertical videos with the dreaded black bars on each side.

The site wants to make its top video makers feel appreciated – and to that end, Wojcicki touted the three new production spaces that YouTube opened in the past year, in New York, Berlin, and Sao Paulo.

However, YouTube’s new, re-designed or rather re-conceptualised android app will make sure you get videos directly from the video platform’s better creators, rather than that nonsensical stuff.

The “cardboard” gadget was passed to attendees when they left the firm’s keynote, which revealed new version of android for phones, TVs, cars and watches.


YouTube says that total watch time is “up over 60% year over year”, its fastest growth rate in two years.

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