
YouTube makes virtual reality push with 360-degree 3-D

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki just stepped off the ballroom stage here at the 6th annual VidCon, the four day convention evolving around all things web video – although it takes some real effort to see past the hoards of teenage fandom.


The app redesign dovetails with what Wojcicki said were YouTube’s top three priorities: “Mobile”. Google has stated that this format is more impactful on the mobile phones, which is also half of the YouTube user’s number. What she had to say was, well, a lot of what we already know about YouTube past, present, and future. The new feature is available in YouTube for Android version 10.28, Android Police reports. Wojcicki said.

Wojcicki championed YouTube’s growth over the past year, including a 60% upshot in time spent on site – the new metric by which YouTube is measuring the success of its creators. “We though that long-term, this was a better metric for us in terms of our users and their performance on our platforms”.

Yes, we love videos of cats falling, but YouTube’s content creator network has blown up over the past few years.

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) – YouTube says it’s making a further push into virtual reality, promising to add 3-D support for videos that play back in its 360-degree format. However we suppose it was only inevitable that this would happen, but it looks like YouTube has now rolled out 360-degree video ads.


Vidcon opened Thursday with a keynote from co-founder (and The Fault in Our Stars author) John Green, and continues with dozens of panels, keynote speeches and meet-and-greet opportunities through Saturday. But what if there were a way to let people become even more immersed in your video ads?

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