
YSU student named Rhodes Scholar

Scholars are also expected to “be committed to make a strong difference for good in the world, be concerned for the welfare of others, and be conscious of inequities”.


A total of 19 UI students have been awarded Rhodes scholarships since 1905. While studying overseas at Hebrew University, Kovan spent her free time serving in Israel’s national ambulance corps. “Oxford is the hub of all the things I really care about”.

“I am thrilled to be named as a 2016 Rhodes Scholar”, Mediate said in the release. First, Hebert had to apply for Penn’s endorsement for the scholarship.

A Bryan Station High School graduate has been chosen as one of 32 Rhodes Scholars from throughout the United States. They were chosen from among 869 applicants at 316 colleges and universities throughout the country, and are the 44th and 45th students in Duke’s history to receive a Rhodes Scholarship.

She plans on pursuing a career in psychiatric researchand was drawn to Oxford because of the “very innovative approach” it istaking to the field. Princeton has four Rhodes Scholars, followed by Yale, which has three.

“As a first generation college student, I am so appreciative of the support I have received at YSU, specifically within the Honors and Scholars programs”, Orr said. “It’s kind of shocking, but I was happy”, Jackson, 22, said in a phone interview Sunday evening.

The Rhodes Scholarships are the oldest and most celebrated global fellowship awards in the world.

“I feel a mix of excitement and gratefulness”, Ding writes via email from Beijing, where he’s enrolled in Peking University’s School of Economics.


The $50,000 scholarship will send Ashley to the University Oxford in England to study for one year. “I channel as much credit as possible to all those who’ve helped me get here, which is more than I could possibly name”.
