
Zac Goldsmith chosen as Conservative mayoral candidate

Zac Goldsmith, 40, has been named as the Conservative candidate for London mayor.


Current mayor Boris Johnson is set to step down in 2016 after two years in office and is expected to challenge George Osborne and Theresa May for the leadership of the Conservatives when prime minister David Cameron resigns before the 2020 election.

Mr Goldsmith crushed his opponents, with London MEP Syed Kamall coming in second place with just 16 per cent of the vote (1,477 votes) and Deputy London mayor Stephen Greenhalgh securing 864 supporters to finish third.

Goldsmith inherited a fortune from his industrialist father and has been an active campaigner on environmental issues since entering parliament.

“Under Boris, London now leads the world in business, tech, media, art and culture – benefiting from unprecedented investment”, said Goldsmith, who won 70 percent of votes cast.

Goldsmith said he would deliver more transport investment to prevent London “grinding to a halt” and also promised to “protect, enhance and improve access” to green spaces.

The Labour candidate told his party’s annual conference on Wednesday that he intends to make the mayoral contest “a referendum on the housing crisis” that’s seen soaring house prices and rents in London and “stand up to big property developers”.

Goldsmith said he wanted to build on Johnson’s legacy, but warned that there were ” increasing pressures on our city” because of its financial success.

But it is housing, Goldsmith said, that presents the biggest issue of all.

Johnson, who is stepping down as mayor after eight years next May, said: “I’m delighted for Zac – he’s principled, hard-working, and dedicated, he’s fizzing with ideas, and he’s passionate about London and its people”.


Zac Goldsmith is the son of billionaire financier and tycoon James Goldsmith, and the brother of journalist Jemima Khan.

Zac Goldsmith chosen as the Tory candidate for London mayor after Boris Johnson