
Zebra Mussels Found in Clearwater Lake, Ruth Lake

Officials have finally confirmed the presence of zebra mussels in two more Minnesota lakes.


A zebra mussel found in Ruth Lake.

Earlier this year state lawmakers delayed the start of a law that would have mandated all Minnesotans pulling watercraft on a trailer be able to pass a 30-minute invasive species test, the Star Tribune notes.

A man vacationing on Ruth Lake says his 15-year-old son found a zebra mussel on a rock.

The DNR said the infestation of the Red River, which borders North Dakota in northwestern Minnesota, was not surprising. A lake shore resident on Clearwater Lake contacted the DNR July 6 to report the discovery of a zebra mussel attached to a native mussel.

After these reports, DNR biologists investigated and found more zebra mussels in these lakes.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources said in a statement released on Friday that the dreaded zebra mussels have been confirmed in two central Minnesota lakes including the Red River.

The invasive species are believed to have spread to the Clearwater and Ruth lakes via boats, docks and other lake equipment that wasn’t properly cleaned after leaving another body of water.

Minnesota has laws in place to limit the spread or introduction of aquatic invasive species.


Additionally, a dock or lift being moved out of one water body must be left out of the water for 21 days before it enters a new water body. According to the DNR, 95 percent of Minnesota lakes are not infested with any aquatic invasive species.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources