
Zika confirmed in 9 pregnant US women

The CDC recommends that pregnant women who do travel to Zika-affected regions be tested after they return, even if they have no symptoms.


‘We are thinking that the virus could have been transmitted sexually, ‘ Cordoba health chief Francisco Fortuna told Radio Continental on Friday, adding that the patient had contact with a man who recently travelled to Colombia.

With the exception of the risk to unborn babies, the Zika virus causes a mild acute symptoms including: rash, mild fever, joint pain and pain in the back of your eyes.

If you have recently traveled to a Zika affected country and you have symptoms, or if you have traveled to such an area and are pregnant, then see your health care provider for testing options. Unlike some other mosquitoes, both species bite during the day. Sangue Bom carries out clinic analyses, among them searches for Dengue, Zika and Chicungunya viruses in blood. Health officials have expressed concerned about the illness, however, because of its potential links to serious birth defects in babies whose mothers were infected during pregnancy. The two current pregnancies are continuing without known complications.

A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the Zika virus can cause a devastating birth defect called microcephaly, a condition that causes a baby to be born with an abnormally small head and brain damage. If you’re pregnant, avoid travel to a place where Zika is spreading.

CDC Director, Dr. Tom Frieden said, “The bottom line hasn’t changed from the time of our initial announcement”.

The CDC is investigating over a dozen possible cases of sexual transmission of Zika in the US and has issued guidance.

The OHA confirmed Oregon’s first case of Zika earlier in February, but in that case, the woman who was diagnosed did not get Zika through sex. The CDC recommends that pregnant women stay away from infected areas.

Two of the births appear healthy, but one has microcephaly – the birth defect thought to be associated with Zika virus infections.

Zika also may increase the risk of Guillan-Barré Syndrome, a problem marked by muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday that it is also investigating 10 additional reports of pregnant travelers with Zika.
