
Zika definitely causes severe birth defects — CDC

The last statement from Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez earlier this month stated that as of Monday 4 April there were no reported or confirmed cases of Zika virus in the Cayman Islands. They found out that a person infected with Zika can usually spread the virus to approximately four other people during the course of the outbreak.


The best defense is for Tennesseans to educate themselves about Zika and know how to protect themselves from contracting the virus, Jones said.

Part of the answer has to do with geography: So far, mosquitoes aren’t spreading Zika in the mainland U.S. That means for now, the main advice for pregnant women here is to avoid travel to Zika-affected parts of Latin America or the Caribbean.

“By tracing its genetic mutations, we aimed to understand how the virus is transmitted from person to person and how it causes different types of disease”, he added. Unfortunately, many experts believe that the spread of Zika virus in the US this summer seems inevitable as well.

Unlike Culex mosquitoes that transmit West Nile, which are active at night and can be lured with light, carbon dioxide or smelly pools of water, the Aedes mosquitoes thought to carry Zika are daytime feeders.

The transgenic mosquitoes are capable of restricting the breeding patterns of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, and its ability to transmit ZIKV other vector-borne diseases. It was once common in Kentucky, but it has largely been gone since the 1980s, Brown said. “We are going to have to get the money to be able to do the full job that we planned to do”.

In a press release, the agencies said that PAHO has systematically identified and collected basic information on all investigations related to Zika, both those already published and those on track to be published.

Health Minister Anibal Velasquez said that after a woman tested positive for Zika officials went to see if she could have been bitten by a transmitter mosquito at her home.

Researchers looked for individual differences between more than 40 strains of Zika virus – 30 of which came from people, 10 from mosquitoes, and one from a monkey.

Q: Do officials expect widespread outbreaks in the U.S.?

“It’s always important for pregnant women, and actually for everybody, to not get bitten by mosquitoes”, Rasmussen said. “If it starts moving north, there will be nothing we can do to prevent it from coming”. Two days after his return to Dallas, he gave the virus to his partner, who did not travel. It is unclear what their health status is at this time.


“We’ve done measurements throughout Kentucky”, Brown said. “People need to take personal responsibility, as well as what the community is doing”.

AFP  File  Luis Robayo Chile was with Canada one of just two states in the Americas said to be free of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which carries the Zika virus that health authorities say causes birth defects in newborns