
Zika Hits Florida, Researchers Say It Could Be Moving North

“To date, approximately 200 people have been interviewed and tested as part of the department’s investigation (into the two non-travel-related cases) and we await additional lab results”, officials said in a news release Friday.


The New York City Health Department said Friday that the mother was infected elsewhere, while in an area known for the disease. In some cases it can cause birth defects, such as microcephaly, a rare condition in which an infant’s head is much smaller than usual.

The CDC says a dozen babies with Zika-related birth defects have been born in the United States so far, according to NBC New York.

State health officials say two types of mosquitos can potentially spread the virus here at home, so they’re asking the public to be proactive by using repellents like Hamilton does or avoiding travel to the Americas if you’re trying to get pregnant.

They say tests have also determined that the baby is positive for Zika.

The CDC has come up with almost $60 million to divide between states and territories for local Zika efforts, but its officials also stressed that more money is crucial to expand mosquito-control efforts, improve the ability to quickly diagnose Zika and develop a vaccine. The virus is being carried by Aedes mosquitoes.

New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said the first confirmed case in the city is not surprising given the travel trends of New York City. People who travel to areas with Zika are urged to protect themselves from mosquito bites. “There’s no toxins or anything”, said Jolie Hamilton, who is expecting her second child.

Traps set up around Mahoning County have so far not found any mosquitoes that can transmit the Zika virus in the area. “It is a risk that affects us right here”. Forty-one of these women were found to have the virus.

Brazil is now in a state of health emergency due to the increase in detected microcephaly cases in newborns, attributed to the Zika virus, even though the link between the disease and the virus has still yet to be scientifically confirmed.

“I’m glad my daughter is not pregnant at the moment, and I feel bad for women that are because you never know”, said Cheryl Russell.


Zika is a special threat to potential new mothers, as the virus can cause severe fetal abnormalities.

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