
Zika is spreading in Miami Beach

According to Levine, Miami Beach only found out it had Zika cases when Florida Gov. Rick Scott mentioned that fact in a press interview on Friday.


“There are undoubtedly more infections that we’re not aware of right now”, said CDC Director Tom Frieden during a briefing.

US health officials are warning pregnant women to avoid Miami Beach, where Florida officials say mosquitoes have spread the Zika virus to five people.

7News cameras captured Florida Health Department officials going door-to-door to keep the mosquito population in check, Saturday.

Florida officials and the CDC said Friday they were investigating reports of locally transmitted Zika virus cases in Miami Beach.

Known for its Art Deco architecture and expensive shops, Miami Beach attracts millions of tourists each year. He described the area on the narrow island city as just under 1.5 miles between 8th and 28th streets. This is the second area, after north of downtown Miami, to be identified as having mosquitoes having Zika virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned pregnant women to stay out of that part of town in Miami Beach and in the Miami neighborhood of Wynwood.

The escalation of the Zika crisis here sent tremors through the tourism industry and stoked the fears of pregnant women, anxious about the virus’ ability to cause severe brain damage in infants.

CDC noted that Florida Department of Health has identified at least four other instances of apparently mosquito-borne Zika in Dade County, and has reported an increase in travel-related cases.

Health officials say symptoms of Zika virus can include fever, headache, conjunctivitis and skin rash, along with joint and muscle pain.

The Zika virus has struck the mainland United States and resulted in an outbreak in Miami that has authorities scrambling.

He said it is important to alert people as soon as possible if local transmission is occurring so that pregnant women can protect themselves and get tested for the virus.

Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada said in a statement Friday that the transmission of Zika in Miami Beach was the most alarming development yet, and the threat to the country’s health and economy has never been greater.

Aerial mosquito spraying is not effective in Miami Beach due to the high-rise buildings and strong ocean gusts.

2,260 confirmed cases of Zika in U.S. States and Washington DC. Officials at the Americas Food and Beverage Show will add mosquito repellent to goody bags at the late September event at the Miami Beach Convention Center. “So how many cases that we don’t know of could’ve spread further already?”


On Thursday, the governor called on state business and health associations to work with the tourism industry on Zika prevention and education.

Zika virus found in Miami Beach