
Zika outbreak triggers travel warning

In an unprecedented warning from the Centers For Disease Control, pregnant women shouldn’t travel in particular to one popular Miami neighborhood.


U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and U.S. Representatives Jim Langevin and David Cicilline have secured the funding for Rhode Island just weeks after the first cases of locally-transmitted Zika were identified in Florida, according to a joint announcement.

If prenatal tests determine the babies are at risk for microcephaly or other defects, the unit can alert epidemiologists who are tracking the Zika outbreak, and work with families of the newborns to make sure they have access to appropriate services right away.

Governor Rick Scott has called upon the Centers for Disease Control for help.

If mosquitoes ever do transmit Zika in Berks County, doctors say only a small area would be affected.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito can carry the virus, and Lee County Mosquito Control said this type of mosquito is showing resistance to the pesticide Pyrethrum.

“You can have a mosquito that can actually be infected by humans that have Zika”, Columbus Public Health Director of Public Affairs Jose Rodriguez said.

The Zika Virus generally produces mild symptoms and is specifically risky for pregnant women because it can lead to severe birth defects, including Microcephaly. Once a person is bitten and infected, he or she can then be bitten by another mosquito.

Government health officials are warning pregnant women to avoid a Zika-stricken part of Miami and told couples who have been there recently to put off having children for at least two months.

“It is a scary thing and I’m very concerned about it”, said Councilman Sam Newby, the committee chair.

Florida health officials have been monitoring 55 pregnant women with evidence of Zika, regardless of symptoms. Now that people in America have contracted Zika from mosquitoes in the USA – it’s too close for comfort.

“We feel the risk of widespread Zika transmission in IN remains low”, Brown said.


“It’s an emerging new viral infection so there’s a lot that we know, there are some things that we’re learning”, Rodriguez said.

Evaristo Miqueli a natural resources officer with Broward County Mosquito Control takes water samples decanted from a watering jug checking for the presence of mosquito larvae in Pembroke Pines Fla. The Publi